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Breaking Personal Finance Taboos feat. ajla_talks


Ajla Brama's Entrepreneurial Journey and Financial Wisdom

In a compelling episode of the LearnLikeaCPA podcast, host Ryan Bakke sits down with Ajla Brama, an entrepreneur and personal finance influencer. Ajla's journey from college student to successful business owner and finance educator is not just inspiring but also filled with valuable lessons on breaking personal finance taboos and achieving financial independence.


The Genesis of a Financial Guru

Ajla's entrepreneurial spirit was evident early on. She started by selling items on eBay and babysitting, preferring the freedom of earning on her own terms over traditional employment. Her venture into starting a natural skincare business right out of her college dorm at FAU in Boca Raton was the beginning of her path to financial literacy and independence.


Embracing the World of Investing

After college, facing the prospect of a low-paying job, Ajla chose to forge her own path. She invested the profits from her skincare business into the stock market. A chance encounter with a seasoned investor at a coffee shop turned into a mentorship opportunity, accelerating her learning curve in investments.


Demystifying Personal Finance

Ajla and Bakke discuss the taboo surrounding personal finance discussions. They emphasize the importance of breaking this barrier, as ignorance about money management often leads to financial difficulties. Ajla's approach to educating people about finance, particularly on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, is about simplifying complex concepts and making them accessible to everyone.


Financial Advice for Beginners

For beginners in investing, Ajla recommends starting with understanding and utilizing a 401(k) from one's job and then exploring other investment options like IRAs. She emphasizes the power of simple Google searches to demystify various investment accounts and strategies.


The Power of Diversification

In her investment strategy, Ajla advocates for a balanced approach: half in index ETFs and half in individual stocks. She chooses well-established companies like Amazon and Apple for individual stock investments, highlighting the importance of safety and reliability in building a diversified portfolio.


The Role of Financial Education

Ajla's journey underscores the critical role of financial education in achieving independence. By combining self-education with mentorship and practical experience, she has crafted a path that not only benefits her but also empowers others through her social media platforms.


Conclusion: Empowering Financial Independence

Ajla Brama’s story, as shared with Ryan Bakke, is a testament to the importance of financial education and the need to break the taboos surrounding money discussions. Her practical advice and personal experiences offer valuable insights for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of personal finance and investing.


In this episode of LearnLikeaCPA, Ryan Bakke and Ajla Brama explore the importance of financial literacy and the need to break cultural taboos surrounding money talk. Ajla’s journey from a college entrepreneur to a financial educator demonstrates that with the right knowledge and mindset, achieving financial independence is within reach for many.


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