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WTF is going on in the housing market, Walmart goes all in on AI, and more // Headline surfing feat. Peter Vander Wall

May 15, 2023


FHA loans can be risky.

FHA loans can be a great option for first time home buyers who don’t have a lot of money for a down payment. However, FHA loans can be risky due to the potential for interest rates to increase, which would reduce the value of the home.

This risk is especially relevant in markets where FHA loans are prevalent, such as Chicago, Memphis, and Baltimore. If a buyer purchases a home with an FHA loan and mortgage rates increase, they could be underwater on their loan. This means they owe more on the loan than the house is worth. For example, if a buyer puts 3.5% down on a $300,000 home with an FHA loan and interest rates increase by 1%, the house could be worth $270,000, and the buyer would owe $290,000.

In order to avoid this risk, buyers should consider getting a 5% conventional loan instead. This loan type still allows buyers to purchase a multifamily residence with a low down payment, and the private mortgage insurance can be dropped when the home reaches 20% equity, without having to refinance. Furthermore, FHA loans can be difficult to get approved for due to the conditions of the property and the minimum credit score of 640.

In conclusion, FHA loans can be a great option for first time home buyers, but they can also be risky due to the potential for interest rate increases. Buyers should consider a 5% conventional loan instead to avoid this risk.

Save for retirement wisely.

When it comes to retirement savings, it is important to save wisely. The best way to do this is to start early and to contribute as much as possible. With the power of compound interest, the earlier you start saving, the more time your money has to grow. Additionally, contributing to a retirement account such as a 401(k) or IRA can provide tax benefits.

Unfortunately, in 2020, many people made the mistake of cashing out their retirement savings when they changed jobs. This was made possible due to the government waiving the 10% early withdrawal penalty. While this was a great help to those who needed the money, it also led to many people taking the money out when they didn't need it. This could have a long-term negative effect, as the money could have been put to better use by allowing it to grow in a retirement account.

When it comes to retirement savings, it is important to save wisely. Start early and contribute as much as possible to maximize the benefits of compound interest and tax deductions. Additionally, resist the temptation to cash out your retirement savings when changing jobs, as this could have a long-term negative effect. With careful planning and discipline, you can ensure that you are saving for retirement wisely.

Save for retirement early.

Retirement savings should be a priority for everyone. Starting early is the best way to ensure that you have enough money saved to live comfortably during retirement. Compound interest is a powerful tool that can help your savings grow exponentially over time. The longer you save, the more money you will have. Additionally, many retirement savings accounts offer tax deductions, meaning you can save more money in the long run.

When changing jobs, it is important to resist the temptation to cash out your retirement savings. This can have a long-term negative effect, as you may be subject to penalties and higher tax rates. In 2020, the US government allowed people to withdraw from their 401k without penalty, but this could have unintended consequences in 2021 and 2022. Many people did not plan accordingly and ended up having to pay a third of the money back.

It is important to understand the tax implications of any retirement income you receive, whether it is from a day job, retirement account, or real estate income. Knowing how your income is taxed will help you make the right decisions when it comes to saving for retirement. Additionally, it is important to have a proven track record in the field before tapping into retirement accounts to fund real estate investments.

Overall, saving for retirement early and wisely is essential for a secure financial future. With careful planning and discipline, you can ensure that you are saving for retirement in the most effective way possible. Doing so will help you have enough money to live comfortably during your retirement years.

Time heals mistakes.

One of the most important aspects of saving for retirement is understanding the importance of time. Time heals mistakes. This is especially true when it comes to investing. A study by Fidelity found that the accounts with the highest growth over a 30-year period belonged to people who had passed away or forgotten their logins. This is because these people were not making any changes to their investments, allowing time to work its magic.

Investing in a 401k plan can be a great way to save for retirement, but it can also be expensive. The expense ratio for an index fund can be as high as 0.28%, meaning that for every dollar invested, 0.28 cents goes to fees. This can add up over time, and it is important to be aware of this when choosing a retirement plan. Transferring your 401k to an IRA can be a great way to save money on fees. The expense ratio for an IRA is typically much lower, at around 0.04%. This means that you will save money in the long run by transferring your 401k to an IRA.

Another way to save money on fees is to contribute to an HSA or a Roth IRA. These accounts typically have lower fees than a 401k, and they can be a great way to diversify your retirement portfolio. Additionally, you should always contribute to your employer’s match when available, as this is essentially free money.

The power of time should not be underestimated when it comes to investing. It is important to remember that it takes time for investments to grow, and that the longer the investment period, the higher the chances of making money. Investing in a 401k plan is a great way to save for retirement, but it is important to be aware of the fees associated with it. Transferring your 401k to an IRA or contributing to an HSA or Roth IRA can help you save money in the long run. Ultimately, understanding the importance of time and making wise financial decisions can help you have a secure financial future.

Automation replaces employees.

Automation is becoming increasingly popular in today's world, and it is replacing more and more employees. From McDonald's to Walmart, automation is being used to save companies money and reduce the number of employees needed. Automation is also being used to speed up processes, such as ordering food or checking out at a store. Automation is becoming so popular that McDonald's is planning to open a fully automated restaurant near Chicago.

The use of automation to replace employees has both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, automation can help businesses save money by reducing the number of employees needed. Automation can also help speed up processes, which can be beneficial for customers. On the other hand, automation can lead to job losses and lower wages for employees. Additionally, automation can lead to a disconnect between customers and employees, as customers may not have the same level of interaction with employees as they used to.

Overall, automation is becoming increasingly popular and is replacing more and more employees. While it can have positive effects, such as cost savings and faster processes, it can also lead to job losses and lower wages. It is important to consider the consequences of automation before implementing it in a business. Automation can be beneficial, but it is important to be aware of its potential drawbacks.

Automate to reduce labor costs.

Automation is becoming increasingly popular as a way to reduce labor costs. Automation can be used in many areas, such as manufacturing, retail, and food service. Automation can reduce the need for manual labor, allowing businesses to save money on labor costs. Automation can also increase efficiency and speed up processes.

However, there are potential drawbacks to automation. Automation can lead to job losses, as fewer people are needed to do the same amount of work. This can lead to higher unemployment and lower wages in areas where automation is implemented. Automation can also lead to a decrease in job satisfaction and employee morale, as people are replaced by machines.

It is important to consider the potential consequences of automation before implementing it in a business. Automation can be beneficial, but it is important to be aware of its potential drawbacks. Businesses should consider the potential impact on their employees before implementing automation. They should also consider the potential impact on their customers and the local economy.

Ultimately, automation can be a useful tool for businesses to reduce labor costs. However, it is important to be aware of the potential consequences of automation before implementing it. Automation can lead to job losses and lower wages, and businesses should consider the potential impact on their employees, customers, and the local economy before implementing automation.

No customer service support.

In the case of customer service support, automation can be especially detrimental. When businesses rely solely on automated customer service, they can leave customers feeling frustrated and unheard. This can lead to a decrease in customer loyalty and satisfaction, which can ultimately hurt the business.

Recently, Instagram made headlines when it was revealed that their customer service team had been drastically reduced. This meant that users who needed help with their accounts had no one to turn to. This led to a lot of frustration among users, as they had no way of getting help from Instagram.

It is important for businesses to remember that customer service is an important part of any business. Without it, customers can feel ignored and unheard. Automation can be a useful tool, but it should not be used as a replacement for customer service. Businesses should consider the potential impact on their customers before implementing automation.

Businesses should also consider the impact that automation can have on their employees. Automation can lead to job losses and lower wages, which can have a negative impact on the local economy. Automation should be used to improve efficiency, not to replace human labor.

In conclusion, automation can be a useful tool for businesses to reduce costs. However, businesses should consider the potential impact on their customers and employees before implementing automation. Automation should not be used as a replacement for customer service, as it can lead to frustrated customers and job losses. Businesses should consider the potential consequences of automation before implementing it.

Metta's customer service lacking.

Metta is a company that provides verification services for Instagram and Facebook. The company recently rolled out Meta Verified, a service that supposedly provides better customer service. However, many users have found that Metta's customer service is lacking.

One issue is that Metta does not offer customer support by phone. This can be frustrating for users who need help with their accounts or have questions about the service. Furthermore, Metta charges users for the Meta Verified service, which some people find problematic.

Another issue is that Metta does not adequately combat spam accounts. For example, a user reported a spam account impersonating them, but did not receive a response from Metta until they reported the account. This indicates that Metta is not doing enough to prevent spam accounts from appearing on their platform.

Finally, Metta has implemented automation to reduce costs. This has led to job losses and can make customers feel frustrated when they are unable to speak to a customer service representative. Automation can be a useful tool for businesses, but it should not be used as a replacement for customer service.

Overall, Metta's customer service is lacking. The company does not offer customer support by phone, charges customers for the Meta Verified service, does not adequately combat spam accounts, and has implemented automation to reduce costs. Businesses should consider the potential consequences of automation before implementing it, as it can lead to frustrated customers and job losses.

Fix your tech issues.

The issue of tech support is an important one for many businesses, especially those that rely heavily on technology. Companies like Metta should prioritize customer service and ensure that their customers have access to reliable and timely support. In the case of Metta, the company has not taken the necessary steps to ensure that customers are properly supported.

First, Metta does not offer customer service by phone. This is a major issue, as many customers prefer to speak to someone in person when they have a problem. Furthermore, the company charges customers for the Meta Verified service, which is a service that allows users to verify their accounts. This is an unnecessary cost that customers should not have to pay.

Second, Metta does not adequately combat spam accounts. The company is not blocking spam accounts, and they are responding to requests that ultimately do not matter. This is a major issue, as it can lead to customers being overwhelmed by spam and other unwanted messages.

Finally, Metta has implemented automation to reduce costs. This automation is intended to reduce the number of customer service personnel needed to provide support. While this may save the company money, it can also lead to frustrated customers and job losses. Businesses should consider the potential consequences of automation before implementing it.

In conclusion, Metta needs to take the necessary steps to ensure that their customers are properly supported. This includes offering customer service by phone, not charging customers for the Meta Verified service, and adequately combating spam accounts. Furthermore, businesses should consider the potential consequences of automation before implementing it, as it can lead to frustrated customers and job losses.

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